Breakthrough Weight Management Nutrients
In conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, LeptiSlim® is designed to help individuals improve thyroid hormone function, maintain metabolic function, reduce cravings, and likely have an easier time staying on a proper weight management program.*
LeptiSlim® supports the normal function of leptin in metabolism.* Leptin is the hormone that comes from fat cells, travels through the blood, and communicates to the brain. Proper leptin function is fundamental to healthy metabolism.*
Reducing calorie intake is oftentimes part of a weight management program. Individuals who try to go too fast or cut back too much may induce the natural "starvation response" to lower calorie intake. This sets the stage for yo-yo dieting. LeptiSlim® helps support natural energy production on a reduced calorie diet.*
Food and Sugar Cravings
Cravings for sugar may result from stress. Stress elevates cortisol and adrenaline, in turn promoting the liver to produce sugar to use for energy to meet the demands of stress. This response is designed to physically escape danger or to fight a conflict (the fight or flight response).
LeptiSlim® contains Inula racemosa root, an herb that helps the liver modulate the response to stress, working synergistically with another herb, Gymnema sylvestre leaf to support normal blood sugar function in response to increased demands.*
A huge problem in metabolism is our society-wide cravings for the sweet taste. The brain and the tongue are in close communication. There are leptin receptors on the tongue that are involved with the sweet taste. Unfortunately, this means that when a person is not getting adequate sweetness in their diet, a tired and unsatisfied feeling may result. This can result in cravings for sweets or carbohydrates. As a result, individuals may easily consume more calories than they truly need, simply to get a "full signal".*
Inula racemosa and Gymnema sylvestre are bitter herbs, known as "sugar-busters." They help reduce the desire for sweet tasting food, helping to bring the taste system back to natural balance.* Try opening a capsule and placing a little bit on your tongue, you'll notice the bitterness.
Metabolic Support
A key to this formula is the addition of first milk bovine colostrum. This nutrient is a functional food, packed with trace amounts of naturally occurring metabolic support, designed to significantly enhance metabolism to meet the extreme metabolic demands of just being born. Lactoferrin is a key immune component in colostrum and has been shown to help soothe the digestive tract and support immune health.*
Chromium is part of the natural transport system of glucose into cells, whereas vanadium provides insulin-like support for blood sugar transport.* Both nutrients work with calories to help them enter cells more efficiently, supporting healthy insulin function.* It should be pointed out that these nutrients only help if cells actually need energy. A need for energy is created by exercise and by not consuming excess dietary calories.
Two important results of eating are acquiring energy and a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction. A person will tend to eat larger portions of food until these objectives are met. Many people eat 25 percent or more than they truly need. When a person restricts food intake, he or she is often left with an unsatisfied feeling or poor energy following the meal. Such self-inflicted "starvation" results in yoyo dieting and likely weight gain when more food is eaten.* The synergistic combination of nutrients in LeptiSlim® are designed to help a person feel energized and satisfied on appropriate amounts of food.* Inula racemosa, Gymnema sylvestre, vanandium, and chromium all work together to help lower the desire for sweets and carbohydrates, as well as supporting healthy and normal insulin function.*